It’s been a hot minute since I’ve had a printable available here, and today we are going to remedy that.

You know, the Alice in Wonderland animated film has some pretty catchy songs, and this time of year “All in the Golden Afternoon” runs through my head any time I have to write “June” or read “June” or say “June” so basically at any given moment I’m thinking of the song. The chorus from it is,

You can learn a lot of things from the flowers
For especially in the month of June
There’s a wealth of happiness and romance
All in the golden afternoon

So today, I am sharing a printable that reminds us that flowers have a lot to teach us! A lot about resilience, for instance, and inherent strength and beauty. Nature is a wonderful teacher!

The printable includes an 8×10 and 5×7 copy of the printable. Print and frame, or print and stick inside a gift, or just print and tape it to your wall!

The printable is for personal use, not for resale, redistribution, or reproduction.