When I was making my You Gnome I Love Christmas quilt, I made several test blocks to begin with knowing that I’d be able to use them elsewhere as smaller projects. Making a test block is always a good idea- but don’t toss extra blocks! Find ways to use them.

In this case, a table runner was precisely what I needed! We have these small entry tables that are too small for typical runners you can get at stores, and even too small for my Charming Tree Farm runner. The size of my quilt blocks was perfect for this smaller table space.

These blocks are the alternate blocks from the You Gnome I Love Christmas pattern. Since the pattern includes fabric requirements for single blocks, projects like this are even easier if you’re starting from scratch and not spare blocks!

Now, with minimal extra effort, I have another Christmas decoration for our little Paris apartment. My husband came up to me the other day and thanked me for helping this place feel a little more “like home” and I can honestly say it feels so much better to have the personal and familiar touches around, like mom-made quilts.

Happy Quilting!