
A few years ago, I challenged myself to read a “classic” piece of literature each month of the year, and I ended my challenge that December by reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. It was really good! I have seen film adaptations- including the terrific Disney version with Scrooge McDuck as Ebenezer- but as […]

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Advent calendars are a great way to count down to Christmas. Advent calendars as we know them now originated in the mid-1800’s in Germany. Lately, I’ve been trying to figure out what the deal was with advent calendars in Europe because they are EVERYWHERE right now, much more popular an item here than in the […]

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When I was making my You Gnome I Love Christmas quilt, I made several test blocks to begin with knowing that I’d be able to use them elsewhere as smaller projects. Making a test block is always a good idea- but don’t toss extra blocks! Find ways to use them. In this case, a table […]

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