
With the release of my new fabric line, Flutter and Shine for Riley Blake Designs, I thought I’d start sprinkling in some new project tutorials on the blog! This first one, a one-block mini quilt, uses three piecing techniques: Half-Square Triangles (HSTs), Quarter-Square Triangles (QSTs), and Snowball corners, that are wonderful to have in the […]

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Once upon a time, I designed some fun gum wrappers for a Teacher Appreciate gift, but the gum I made them were totally gone at the store! So, what does one do when faced with this predicament? Well, one makes new gum wrappers 🙂 To make these, gather some Wrigley’s Extra gum packages (15 pieces) […]

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I have an interesting relationship with Valentine’s Day. I think the decorations are usually cheesy, but I was always a huge fan of the class Valentine party, or heart sugar cookies… yum! I’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by people who regularly show their love and who I can shower with hugs or kisses […]

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