Once upon a time, I designed some fun gum wrappers for a Teacher Appreciate gift, but the gum I made them were totally gone at the store! So, what does one do when faced with this predicament? Well, one makes new gum wrappers 🙂

To make these, gather some Wrigley’s Extra gum packages (15 pieces) and just download the link at the bottom of the page and print it on Cardstock. It’ll keep it shape and hold the gum package best if it is on cardstock. Cut the shapes out and score along where the patterns change (I just use the the back side of a butterknife, it does the job just fine! You just need to crease the paper without cutting through it).

Once the paper is scored, fold gently along each score line.

Using a glue stick, put glue all over the short striped panel, get close to the “plus” pattern but don’t actually put glue on the plusses! Then close up the wrapper by glueing the “Awesomeness Facts” panel to the short glued panel. Line up the edge of the Awesomeness facts panel with the plusses.

Let it sit for a minute, letting the glue dry, and slide in your gum package!

You can get 3 gum wrappers out of a printable, so with $1 gum and some paper, you are set with an Extra Awesome little gift!

Enjoy! Remember, this is for personal use only 🙂