Last year, I had the opportunity to contribute a pattern in the Quilter’s Candy Box, a subscription box service that delivers all sorts of delicious fabric and quilting goodies each month. I knew that the recipients would be quilters of all different levels, so I designed a beginner-level quilt pattern that would be fun for everyone! And now I’m finally making it available for anyone to purchase, here on my website. 5 months is a long enough wait!

The boxes in this quilt have a cool layering effect, so I named the pattern Trixie, a cuter version of tricksy 😉 for how the blocks trick the eye. In case you ever wonder how I come up with my pattern names, it involves lots and lots of name variations until one just clicks! Kind of like naming a child ha ha!

Trixie comes in 4 sizes and really is a quick sew! Chain piecing definitely makes things go even faster. I actually made 3 Trixie quilts in a month! After making this throw size version, I made two baby sizes for some cute babies… I’ll definitely share those quilts soon!

Since it is a fat-quarter-friendly quilt pattern, I got to use up a lot of my FQ stash. I even used some dark blue linen that’d been sitting in my closet for over a year, and the result is a wonderful scrappy Trixie quilt! The linen was medium-weight, so the quilt has some heft to it… I love heavy blankets that aren’t too warm (Arizona, remember) so this one has been on my bed for a while!

Trixie is probably one of my favorite patterns from last year- easy, fast, and packs a visual punch with all the prints and connecting blocks.

You can find the pattern in my shop!