Having lived in Arizona for the majority of my life, I can say that Autumn… isn’t really a thing around here. In fact, it is still over 100 degrees for the next few weeks, and it is already September! So, we like to do “pretend fall” and decorate with faux colored leaves and plastic pumpkins and really thin buffalo check fabric to trick ourselves into thinking the weather is crisp and glorious.

Then we walk outside and we remember that summer goes strong until October.

So, to do my part in encouraging my part of the country to start cooling off, I made a Hand Lettered Quote to use in my “pretend fall” decorations. And because I love it, and because I hope you’ll love it too, I made it a Free Printable!

I actually have three prints in this file- one is a 5×7 black and white print (which I put in my Minc machine to get a lovely foil effect and stuck it on my porch!), one is a simple 8×10 leaf illustration, and the last is a full 8×10 design featuring a buffalo check border to really drive that “pretend fall” home 😉 Lucky for all of us, these prints are suitable for any temperature! Enjoy! (For Personal Use Only, please!)

Click the link below to download your Autumn Free Printable Hand Lettered Quote! Then pin or share so others can enjoy it too!

PDF Autumn Quotes