Well, nothing is more annoying than naming a block that has accents in the spelling but being unable to get the web font to add those accents. Please excuse the lack of acute accents!

The next block I’m sharing in my Saturday in Paris Quilt block set is the Champs Elysees block! The Champs Elysees (pronounced like Shawn Say Lee Zay) is a very famous, very wide road through Paris that leads right to the Arc de Triomphe. It is a main throughfare, you could say, and traffic can be BONKERS on that road, especially when it leads into a multi-lane roundabout around a famous landmark. Crazy. When this more complicated block came to me, I definitely needed it to be named after a complicated experience, like driving down its namesake!

While I say it is “more complicated,” it is simply a collection of flying geese and a square in square block that has some borders. Said like that, I’m hoping you can see yourself using this block sometime!

This block serves two purposes and has two versions in my quilt. The first, above, is a filler block! I wanted some blocks to just feature the fabric, not necessarily the panel, and this is one of those blocks. The large print floral was a good choice for the center square, giving it some more space to show off.

As for the second variation of this block, I used an 8″ (finished) panel piece as the center to showcase the smaller designs:

A little less piecing is involved, and the panel gets highlighted by the flying geese blocks around it in this version. I made several of each version for my final quilt, and they are some of my favorite blocks!

I think this block would make a great block-based quilt- especially with some sashing and cornerstones between blocks.

If you’d like to make this block, see the instructions below!

Champs Elysees Block

You can get the scoop on what I’m working on in this post here, as well as the cutting instructions if you want to make one just like mine.

The other block featuring the small panel pieces is the Iron Lady block, here.