I think Valentine’s Day is my favorite time for freebies. I also think I said that the LAST time I posted, and it was a free Valentine printable too!

Do you know how many days I’ve had this song stuck in my head? I can’t sing it like Doris Day, and my whole family has had to endure it for moments on end since I started readying these prints. After this, I may have to keep these printables outside the family where they’ll be more appreciated 😉

Also- I looked up “bushel” and “peck” and they’re actual units of measure! A bushel is about two pecks, and a peck is a couple pounds. But, a peck is also a small kiss so that’s where the song takes it and runs with it into a love-inspired melody.

Along with the page of printables, I also have a coloring page for you! I printed these and handed them to my kids, and they are having a blast. My oldest doodled in the hearts, and my younger kids just stuck with solid colors. I took the pages back before they were done so I could snap pictures (heh heh), but they are hard at work again!

I lettered this one with the intention of getting you printables last year, but we all know I’m a year behind! Hopefully you can get some use out of them this time around.

Click the links below to download the different files. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!