Excuse the terrible name for this quilt, ha ha! My oldest said she liked the pinwheels and “O’s” so it kind of stuck 😉  But this baby quilt is several years in the making- I’ve been storing scraps from other quilts for a long time, and recently on a cleaning spree I decided to hoard no longer, and this quilt was born! Lucky for me, the HST’s were ALL leftovers, so I only had to trim them up to the right size! I think this is a fun block arrangement though, so maybe I’ll make a freebie out of it or something! (UPDATE: Free pattern link at the end of the post!)

I had the quilt top nearly done, but I didn’t know where it would be headed. Then I found out a friend of mine was having a baby boy, and suddenly I was in a rush to finish this quilt! Such a rush, seriously- I barely pulled it out of the wash in time to snap a few photos and head to the baby shower. I was racing the sun so I could take pictures outside, but alas… on the last few quilting stitches my walking foot (I resorted to straight-line quilting after skipped free-motion stitch issues and an hour of unpicking) decided to leave residue on the quilt top! That’d never happened to me before, but I knew a trip through the wash would solve it. I still have to figure out why it was leaving crud behind it as it stitched along.

All I know is, the fabrics are great, the size is perfect for a crib/toddler bed (about 42″ x 58″), and it is really soft with the loose quilting. I even went for my old Pez print I’ve been hoarding for the binding, it was begging for it.

This is IRL quilting at its finest, people. A scramble of blocks, stressful quilting sessions, issues, washes (but we all love the washed quilt look so, that’s fine!), and photos snapped in unnatural light. But no matter the experience, the final result of giving it to a sweet new baby or a deserving loved one or as a charitable gift for someone really in need- that’s when it is all worth it!

UPDATE: Grab the pattern at the link below!

Pinwheelie Os Quilt Pattern