Once upon a Christmas, I gifted my daughter a small FQ bundle of some Panda fabric (she loooves pandas!) so that we could work on a quilt together. She likes sewing, and likes spending time with her parents even more. I figured this would be a win-win gift!

For my girl, picking the pattern was the hardest part for her. Sound familiar? Yep, me too. But we decided on Chandelier by Vanessa Goertzen, in her Charm School book. It’s a really simple block that does require some piecing but was completely manageable in small bites for my daughter. I was amazed at how straight her 1/4″ seam was! She’s a natural. But she wanted to see results fast, so I helped add to the stack of her blocks as we went along so she wouldn’t get overwhelmed (there are a lot of blocks!) and in no time, we were ready to finish the quilt!

Kelli of Simply Mackbeth quilted it up in a loopy heart pattern that my daughter picked out, and I bound it in scraps from the FQ bundle. She was so proud of it when it was finished, and we felt great about doing a big project together. She has it on her bed a lot of the time, and we still talk about our sewing time when we see it. She has helped make one more quilt since this one, and it had the same uplifting result!