This quilt has taken an adventurous route to get to this finished quilt top stage! My Arboreta Quilt Pattern is one of my favorites- the sashing just makes my heart sing. I even included this quilt pattern in the storyboard for the fabric, so shops could see the quilt mocked up with the Primrose Hill fabric too.

After mocking it up, I really wanted to make it in the feminine, softer colors of my Primrose Hill fabric line so it was one of the first projects I cut out when I received my fabric from Riley Blake.

Not long after I cut out the project, we were informed of our new job position here in France. My projects came to an abrupt halt as my energy and focus went to moving our family overseas. As I was packing my sewing room, I made sure to keep this project in a separate bag to pack in a suitcase so I could finish it while living in France.

Of course, this small project bag got shoved into a pocket in a suitcase, and even as suitcases were unpacked and our belongings placed in our new apartment, this bag was forgotten! I spent a good bit of time looking for it as soon as my sewing machine and room was in order, because I knew I already had my least favorite part (cutting- blah) done on the project. I just assumed I’d placed it in the wrong box and it had been packed away in storage instead of following me overseas.

While looking for a missing cord a few months later, I found the Arboreta quilt project bag (and the cord ;)) hiding in a small suitcase. It was so exciting to unearth it! I’ve been working on it ever since, in between other projects. I finished it last week and couldn’t be happier!

For this version of the Arboreta Quilt, I added a small 2″ border all around- I didn’t want any of those beautiful sashing points to get hidden in my binding. Eventually, I will have this quilted and I’ll enjoy adding binding without being fiddly while sewing it on.

This quilt ended up being roughly 70″ x 70″, and was as wide as it could go for my husband to hold it up for photos! It turned out just as beautifully as I hoped it would!

Check out the pattern HERE.

Paper patterns available for wholesale- ask your LQS if they carry it!