Finished quilt

My sister, who was the mother of 2 energetic boys, welcomed an adorable little girl to their family… last year. And being on top of things like I am, I just finished her baby quilt! Except since it took so long, mom requested a quilt big enough to go on a toddler bed 😉 One […]

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My 3rd daughter (out of 4!) experiences hearing loss, and it wasn’t until last August, a few months shy of her 5th birthday, that she was finally fitted with hearing aids. The process was frustrating, expensive, and long. Obviously, when your hearing isn’t up to par, language suffers. Our daughter had been seeing speech therapists […]

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I’d like to introduce you to the Rhinestones Quilt Pattern! This was my second quilt pattern I wrote, and it was a labor of love! Ha! I am so glad I pushed through all that math (ugh) so I could get my favorite quilt EVER out of it. My kids aren’t allowed to use this […]

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As I was sitting at my computer recently working on some new quilt patterns almost ready to publish (yay!!) I realized that my other patterns came out when I didn’t blog, and therefore there is not a real introduction for them yet!  So, over the next little bit before the new patterns come out, I’ll introduce […]

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