It has been a busy month, I’ve been working on lots of projects and quilts, and I am just so terrible at taking photos so I can share them here! But, one of my many tasks involved creating a new repeat pattern, and I loved the elements so much I wanted to include them in a Free Printable, just for you.

Sometimes, my “job” leads me to a vortex of comparison, and I can’t seem to pull myself out of it. I get into the mindset that I’ll never be good enough for X, because of so many Y reasons… and I have to have a good long chat with myself to get out of it. This not only applies to vocational goals- but personal goals as well. My house is never as clean as I want it, I lose my patience too quickly… etc. But when I start getting down on myself, it is good to remember that my potential is greater than my current state, and I am more than meets the eye- my eyes especially. 

Here’s a Free Printable for all of us to enjoy and remember that we are infinitely more capable than we realize, and we have it within us to be great, and we ARE great! You can either right-click and save the images, or download the files at the links below:

Rise Up Blue

Rise Up Pink