Hello friends! I hope you have been following along on Instagram and the Riley Blake blog as we do our 2022 block challenge. With the move and all the delays associated with it, my friends at Riley Blake HQ helped me out and are the rock stars behind my block, Argyle Square. They were able to piece and photograph it for me while I am still setting up a sewing space 🙂

This block is based on a traditional railroad crossing quilt block. According to the U.S. census, just over 8% of the population relocated during 2021. Our family was just one in the millions who found a new place to call home. This block represents not only my change in circumstances but also how we each have a destination to get to- whether it’s a physical, mental, or emotional place- and we can find that motivation to keep us moving in a forward direction and to places of comfort.

This spin on the railroad block takes that lineup of squares and shuffles them around (basically a metaphor for my life right now) and the result has a fun argyle look while still paying homage to that path along the block from its original inspiration.

For all the block patterns, head to the Riley Blake website HERE and sew along with us!