I am a creative, and sometimes (usually after spending too much time on social media), it seems like all the ideas, new products, pretty images, etc. will eventually be all used up. With all the amazing and beautiful stuff out there, will I even have something to offer? Of course, this line of thinking often results in a creative rut, where I doubt my efforts unnecessarily. But then I remember that everyone can go through a creative rut every now and again. Creativity isn’t something that can be used up, and instead of being dragged down by the inspiring work of others, I can use it to help feed my own creative ideas! I worked up this quote by Maya Angelou as a reminder to myself that I’ll always have something to offer the creative world, and not to worry about those dry spells.  This free printable also coordinates with the Rise Up print (in pink) from a few months back, in case you want a pair ;).

To download, click the image above and save to your computer, or download the PDF here: More Creativity Printable