
You might be looking at this block and thinking, “Well, this looks like a whole lot of nothing” but when this block is joined with many, it makes up the classic Hunter’s Star. This month’s block is not a new design, but it is a great one to do with a 10″ stacker so it […]

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June means 2023 is halfway over! Can you even believe it? It also means we are halfway through the Take Ten blocks for the year 🙂 So, while June is bustin’ out all over, we will be learning lots of things from the flowers (mixing musicals there ha)! Le Jardin is the block this month, […]

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Is it May already? Wow! This month’s Take Ten Block Challenge block is SO EASY, it is great for a quick gift (are quilts actually quick?) or if you are a beginner, this is the PERFECT block! My month is cut short because of our school holidays so I am glad that this block was […]

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Many of my patterns suggest using chain piecing to complete the pattern, but many newer quilters are unfamiliar with this excellent piecing method. Today, I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about it, and I am confident you’ll be ready to give it a try. What is Chain Piecing? Chain piecing is a sewing method […]

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