I feel really good about today’s share- I made a goal to work through my 10″ stackers I brought with me (and have people bring to me πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ ) and January’s quilt is now a quilt top!

Yay- one month into a 12 month goal πŸ™‚ Let’s celebrate the win!

This quilt uses the block tutorial from January’s Take Ten block challenge.

We took a quick weekend trip out of town to Compiegne, the home of the summer palace for Louis XV and Louis XVI as well as the Napoleons. Naturally, we took pictures in front of the palace!

Even though we were basically alone while touring the palace, we didn’t take pictures of the quilt inside… you just can’t compete with palace interiors.

Have a great day, and happy quilting πŸ™‚